Helping people to make informed decisions regarding various Cancer therapies
Most people believe that there are only limited options available to treat cancer such as the conventional methods of radiation, chemotheraphy and surgery. There are however numerous other options available which have been shown to assist in the fight against cancer. Below is a summary of some of the various options that are available such that informed decisions can be made before embarking on a particular course of action which may be regrettable later.
Medicinal Cannabis
In cancer patients, melatonin levels tend to be lower. Studies have shown that amongst other things, cannabis oil increases the melatonin levels in the body and as such the body PH is raised thus causing a detoxifying effect on the body to remove impurities. To increase the PH level is very important when you are suffering from cancer and many other conditions. Cannabis oil is unfortunately not legal in most counties and therefore is often difficult to obtain. The cannabis oil is extracted from the cannabis bud and is taken orally usually 1 or 2 drops per night. Rick Simpson a Canadian cannabis campaigner has assissted many sufferers with his oils over the years. His website, Phoenix Tears provides extensive information on the healing powers of medicinal cannabis.
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High RF Frequency
The High RF Frequency Protocol uses a special High RF Frequency generator to treat cancer. Developed by microbiologist Dr. Rife in the 1930’s it uses a frequency generator to produce both a “killer” frequency wave and a high MHz carrier wave to carry it to the cancer cells. Accessing and subjecting microbes inside cancer cells to their resonant frequencies causes their death or devitalization, allowing cancer cells to revert to normal metabolism. This is the ideal way to deal with cancer cells, since it produces no dead cancer cell debris and therefore does not burden the immune system.
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Cellect - Budwig Protocol
This protocol uses a nutritional powder called Cellect and Organic Flaxseed Oil combined with Organic Low Fat Cottage Cheese.The Cellect-Budwig protocol was specifically designed for advanced cancer patients who need to have an alternative cancer treatment, which starts to become effective within days, not weeks or months. The Cellect-Budwig protocol are two of the fastest acting alternative cancer treatments available and both start to become effective very quickly.
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Laetrile/Amygdalin or Vitamin B17
Dr. Ernst Krebs, dedicated researcher & biochemist isolated Vitamin B17 (Laetrile) in apricot seeds. After years of testing and study, he was convinced about therapeutic value of B17. B17 was not harmful to normal cells but deadly when came in contact with cancer tissues. Many take B17 or Laetrile in natural state (apricot seeds or bitter almonds) or in form of tablets. Vitamin B17 is has been a major cancer treatment for several decades.
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Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet. When it is used as a cancer treatment, it is called a restricted ketogenic diet. The restriction means that the number of calories is limited and the amount of carbohydrate is extremely low. This diet brings about important changes in the ways cells in the body are nourished. Healthy cells can use glucose or ketone bodies as their primary energy source. The primary types of ketones that are used as an energy source are acetoacetic acid, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid. Cancer cells are unable to use ketones for their energy source. They rely on glucose and glutamine for metabolism. Thus, if they do not have access to glucose, they rapidly begin to die. When a person uses the ketogenic diet, they create a condition where there is a reduced level of glucose in the blood and there are elevated levels of ketone bodies. The result is that the cancer cells are denied their primary energy source while all the healthy cells in the body are nourished by ketones.
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Gerson Therapy
The Gerson Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements. This powerful, natural treatment boosts the body’s own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy in the 1930s, initially as a treatment for his own debilitating migraines, and eventually as a treatment for degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes and, most famously, cancer.
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Burzynski Therapy
Established in 1977, the Burzynski Clinic has grown to be a nationally and internationally recognized cancer center that provides advanced and cutting-edge cancer treatments. Their Mission for over 35 years, Dr. Burzynski’s cancer research and patient care has been inspired by the philosophy of the physician Hippocrates: ‘First, do no harm’. Therefore, their approach to treatment is ‘personalized’ in an attempt to maximize effectiveness and minimize side effects for each cancer patient. Their mission is to beat cancer.Personalized cancer therapy utilizes an understanding of each patient’s genetic make-up to unravel the biology of their cancer. Using this information, their physicians attempt to identify treatment strategies that may be more effective and cause fewer side effects than would be expected with standard treatments. By performing genetic tests and analyses, their physicians customize treatment to each patient’s needs. Personalized medicine may include the combination of targeted therapies with conventional therapy. Patients and/or their caretakers receive training for administering all therapies at home, as well as nutritional counseling.
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Intravenous Vitamin C
High concentrations of Vitamin C are administered intraavenously. At these higher concentrations, vitamin C has different characteristics than if given orally. While oral vitamin C boosts immunity and assists tissue repair, it is too weak to do much to kill or inhibit cancer cells. But at high doses delivered directly into the bloodstream, it may act to increase levels of hydrogen peroxide deep in the tissues where cancer cells lurk. Peroxide-mediated killing is one of the white blood cells’ key mechanisms for fighting infection and cancer. Research currently under way has shown that high concentrations of vitamin C can stop the growth or even kill a wide range of cancer cells. Only intravenous administration of vitamin C can deliver the high doses found to be effective against cancer.
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Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like. It claims that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people.
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Ozone therapy
Developed in the 1950’s ozone gas has been used to treat many ailments and its use is common in Eastern Europe and Russia. A normal oxygen molecule has two molecules of oxygen, but ozone has three. This extra oxygen molecule is what makes ozone different and more effective as a possible alternative cancer treatment. cells.
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Naturopathy is a holistic approach to wellness based on the principle that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself. Using the healing power of nature and gentle therapeutic techniques, the body, mind and emotions are supported during the healing process.Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual and treating the whole person, not just the affected area. Naturopathy includes diet, lifestyle changes and nutritional therapy with the use of various natural herbs, minerals and vitamins that are used to treat the person.
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Baking Soda therapy
Dr. Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, Italy has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. The fundamental theory behind this treatment lies in the fact that, despite a number of variable factors, the formation and spreading of tumors is simply the result of the presence of a fungus.Sodium bicarbonate, unlike other anti-fungal remedies to which the fungus can become immune, is extremely diffusible and retains its ability to penetrate the tumor, due to the speed at which the sodium bicarbonate disintegrates the tumor. This speed makes the fungi’s adaptability impossible, rendering it defenseless.
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Cesium Chloride
Cesium Chloride is an extremely alkaline mineral and has been used effectively on cancer since the 1930s. Cesium chloride is considered a potent cancer treatment cancer and It is relatively inexpensive and safe.
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Essiac Tea
Essiac, given its name by Rene Caisse consists of four main herbs that grow in Canada. The original formula is believed to have its roots from the native Canadian Ojibway Indians.The four main herbs that make up Essiac are Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Inner Bark, Sheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root.
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Energy Healing
ThetaHealing technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health and after she healed from a 9-in tumor her leg.The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy - not specific to one religion but accepting them all - with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a postive lifestyle and has had numerous stories of success in various types of healing.
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Herbal Remedies
This involves the administration of the following active herbal ingredients which are known for their assistance in addressing cancer. These herbs include selenium methionine, green tea extract, quercetin, turmeric, resveratrol, diindolymethane, versicolor, coriolus and chrysin.
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Proteolytic Enzyme therapy
Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy proposes that pancreatic proteolytic enzymes represent the body’s main defense against cancer. The focus is on high dose porcine-based pancreatic enzyme therapy and eating a holistic diet to create an internal environment in which the body can more thoroughly heal itself.
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Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well being. Originating in the 1970’s, it combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional,mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual.
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Chinese acupuncture and Chinese medicine
In the West, when something happens we ask what we can do about it. In the East when something happens they ask what has caused it. Traditional Chinese Medicine looks for the underlying causes of imbalances and patterns of disharmony within the body and views each patient as a being unique. Western Medicine generally provides treatment for a specific illness, whereas Traditional Chinese Medicine addresses how illnesses manifest in a particular patient and then treat that patient not just the disease. The Chinese way tends to treat the whole body rather than to try and isolate a particular infected area.
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Yoga, meditation and tai chi
Yoga focuses on the union of mind, body and spirit through physical postures (poses), breath-work and meditation. The goal is to calm the mind and the body while rejuvenating the spirit and increasing life force energy. Yoga has many different benefits, in a variety of patients it has been able to help with anxiety, depression, relaxation, sleep, body aches and much more. Cancer and the treatment of cancer can cause a great deal of stress on a person. Doing yoga for cancer recvoery can be used to help alleviate some of the psychological and physical symptoms.
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MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)
MMS consists of chlorine dioxide which kills pathogens by oxidation and strengthens the immune system and was discovered by an American named Jim Humble. MMS is a solution of 28% sodium chlorite ion in distilled water. The solution changes to chlorine dioxide when you add an activator of lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid. Because only certain substances work as activators, it's very important to follow Humble's protocol when using MMS. When chlorine dioxide contacts harmful pathogens, it snatches their electrons which causes a microscopic explosion and destroys the pathogens. This means harmful bacteria, viruses and other parasites die when they meet up with chlorine dioxide ions.
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Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of cancer may be taken as tablets or, more commonly, given by intravenous drip directly into a vein. Many different drugs are available, which generally work by killing or slowing the growth of fast-growing cells. Chemotherapy may be used before or after surgery or radiation therapy, or together with radiation therapy.
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Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy or radiotherapy, is therapy using ionizing radiation, generally as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant cells. Radiation therapy may be curative in a number of types of cancer if they are localized to one area of the body.
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